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humble pie例句
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Who sold you to humble pie for 50 bucks and a case of beer?


You should stand straight , you needn eat humble pie.

你应该挺起腰杆, 你用不着低三下四.

She has to eat humble pie in her life.


This would require eating a modest slice of humble pie.


Mr. A had to eat humble pie for his poor behavior.


Retain the red door ? Eat humble pie and paint it over?


When we e finished preparing these strawberries and cream bagels you e going to eat humble pie!


Although you don like your boss, sometimes you have to eat humble pie.

尽管你不喜欢你的老板, 但有时候你还是得忍气吞声.

He tolerated Mr. Morse , wondering the while it felt to eat such humble pie.

他原谅摩斯先生,一边心想, 不知道这么忍辱含垢是什么味儿.

Your day of glory are at an end. Prepare for a bit of humble pie.

你地荣耀日子己经结束, 准备好面临别人地耻辱口巴.

He tolerated Mr Morse , wondering the while how it felt to eat such humble pie.

他原谅摩斯先生,一边心想, 不知道这么含垢忍辱究竟是什么味儿.

He is eating humble pie.


"humble pie"的基本信息





